The objective of this step is the following:

  • Discover the principles associated to Fluent APIs;
  • Embed a language inside another one.

And now, for something completely different … the LED example!

Instead of writing a new language, we decide here to hack an existing one (e.g., Java). The idea of a fluent interface is to support the definition of a new language by leveraging the available syntax in the host language. For example, the following code is a valid Java code but is also understandable with respect to our FSM concepts.

    .uses(actuator("led", 13))



    .export(“./output/fsm.h”, “./output/main.c”);

This approach relies on the definition of methods to support the fluent API. In our example, such elements are defined in the dsl package. We use static methods and builders to support the API.

Static methods

The application builder is designed to hide its constructor, thus the only way to create an instance of the builder is to call the application(name: String) method it provides. The same trick is used for the actuator method, supporting a user-friendly way of instantiating an actuator.

When creating an application, one import statically these methods (import static AppBuilder.*), and can use it directly in the code.

public static Actuator actuator(String name, int port) {
    if(name.isEmpty() || !Character.isLowerCase(name.charAt(0)))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal brick name: ["+name+"]");
    if(port < 1 || port > 13)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal brick port: ["+port+"]");
    Actuator result = new Actuator();
    return result;

Nested Builders

To control the way the API is used, we define intermediary objects that expose the right interfaces. For example, inside a given state, calling the setting method yields an InstructionBuilder that only support the toLow or toHigh methods. When called, the method returns the parent StateBuilder, allowing one to add another instruction.

// class StateBuilder
public InstructionBuilder setting(String actuatorName) {
    return new InstructionBuilder(this, actuatorName);

// class InstructionBuilder
InstructionBuilder(StateBuilder parent, String target) {
    this.parent = parent;
    Optional<Actuator> opt = parent.parent.findActuator(target);
    Actuator act = opt.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException(“Illegal actuator: [“+target+”]”));

public StateBuilder toHigh() {
    return parent;

Using this programming style, we have direct control over the language syntax, and one can rely on the code completion mechanism to write in the created language.

Expected Work

  • Adapt the language to support sensors and transitions associated with sensors;
  • Identify the abstractions needed in the language to support the 7-segment display;
  • Adapt the language to support it.

Stepback Questions

  • How to chose between embedded or external?
  • What is the impact of the host language choice?
  • What about the maintainability of the concrete syntax?
  • Who is targeted as an audience by this class of languages?