The eight steps of this tutorial that come with pre-written code to support your learning experience are available as a git repository.

The repository contains the following directories:

  • steps: the eight pre-defined steps, each in a given directory;
  • c_targets: example of complete C code for the two low-level steps;
  • circuits: if you’re using SimulIDE instead of a real microcontroller, you’ll find here the pre-wired electronic circuit to be used in the simulator.

If you are using the containerized software stack instead of a local install, the script named will start the Docker environment in the right way for you to work with the different steps.

In addition, you can also find to feed your curiosity:

  • a script to start the containerized environment with the solutions instead of the kickstart code (only the two first level are available for now)
  • docker: the different artefacts used to build and publish the containerized environment on the DockerHub

You can clone the repository and look at the different steps, as well as try the compilation instructions, in the virtualized environment or on your computer. We are going to develop each step in our journey across abstraction levels in the next sections of this tutorial.

Next: From code to models