To support the tutorial example, we need the following material:

  • An Arduino board (Arduino Uno atmega328p)
  • A breadboard to support the wiring of the different components
  • A 7-segments display to act as a counter
  • an LED
  • a push-button

For clarity purposes, we divided the wiring into two steps. First the “button + LED” one, and then the 7-segments displayer.

To set up the “Switch the light on!” part of the tutorial, you’ll have to:

  • Connect the LED to digital 13 (D13) with a 220-ohm resistor. (long leg to digital 13)
  • connect the button to digital 10 (D10) and a 220-ohm resistor.

To support the “count to 9” part of the tutorial, we will connect the differents ports to pins D1 to D7 on the Arduino board. 

Classically, 7-segments displays can be “common cathode” or “common anode”. The working displayed here is for a “common anode”. If you experience troubles while wiring the display (e.g., you’re witnessing an inverted display), just invert anode and cathode.

Next: (Optional) Setting up the software