MDENet Research Demonstration – MoDeS3: A success story to win children’s heart for MDE / Higher-Order Transformations for the Generation of Synchronization Infrastructures in BM

We are delighted to announce we will be hosting another MDENet Research Demonstration, taking place on the 28th of September, 4pm BST. We will have presentations from Benedek Horvath and Malvina Latifaj. Save the date! Register here.

Research demonstrations are aimed at industrial and academic audiences who have some initial experience with MDE and want to learn about specific technologies that may help them address specific challenges they are facing. A key goal is to support the seeding of new collaborations. 

The sessions will consist of 2–3 short demonstrations of 10–15 minutes each, covering a variety of technologies. It will be followed by Q&A and open discussion.

Benedek Horvath 

Title: MoDeS3: A success story to win children’s heart for MDE

Abstract: Creating a practical demonstrator for MDE is not an easy task: it shall be catchy, engaging, easy to understand and shall hide the complexity of MDE. This talk will present the success story of MoDeS3, A Model-Based Demonstrator for Smart and Safe Systems: a model railway track that is supervised by a distributed state machine system to prevent train collisions. Join the talk to gain some inspirations how you can make MDE attractive for people outside our community. 

Malvina Latifaj 

Title: Higher-Order Transformations for the Generation of Synchronization Infrastructures in Blended Modeling

Abstract: Blended modeling aims at boosting the development of complex multi-domain systems by enabling seamless multi-notation modeling. The synchronization mechanisms between notations are embodied in model transformations. Manually defining model transformations requires specific knowledge of transformation languages and it is a time consuming and error-prone task. Moreover, whenever any of the synchronized languages or notations evolves, those transformations become obsolete. In this talk we will present an automated solution for generating synchronization transformations in blended modeling and showcase an application of the solution in an industrial use case.